Here is how McMaster Electric can help you stay cool and save a bit of cash with awesome EC fans! EC also means "electronically commutated". What this means is that these fans utilize superior technologies in order to operate more efficiently and effectively. We all want our fans to be energy efficient because the more power they use, the more your pocket will go down for electric bills! These fans can also offer robust cooling to your home or office & keep you comfortable irrespective of how high the outside temperature is.
What makes EC fans so unique is that they have a brushless DC motor. This is significant since getting rid of the brushes implies that there are exceptionally minimal aspects in the motor that will wear away as time passes. There are also no gears that slow the fan in output, something that is seen if you instead use a regular fan. Rather, a computer takes over the motor and tunes to give just the right amount of power from what you need. It can change speed with the temperature in the room — and even how many people are using it! Which means, you always receive the appropriate level of cooling; whether you are hosting a party or sitting on your own.
What I like most about the EC fans is they are efficient. They consume significantly less energy, so your electricity bill will reflect those savings! In reality, these fans can consume up to 70% less energy than traditional type of fans. Now, imagine running your fan for a longer period of time without worrying about the amount that is going to cost you on your bill! That’s pretty cool!
These fans are smart too — If you have an EC fan in your living room, for instance, it will detect that you're present. If you are present, it will run at a high speed and keep you cool. However, if you step out of the room, this fan will automatically slow down or even turn off. In this way, the fan holds off on using power until you return, making it an excellent means of conserving energy as well as dollars all at once!
Want a quieter fan? Solution provided by our experts at Mcmaster electric. Even under high RPMs, the EC fans perform exceptionally quiet. The reason is that special structure helps to minimize vibration and noise. These fans are gear-less, brush-less as well meaning you won't hear any additional noise coming from parts rattling around. Whether you are looking for a bedroom fan, an office fan, or something else, an EC fan can keep you cool without breaking your peace and quiet.
The EC fans are only a part of the new & clever technology for ventilation. With new inventions, we discover the means of energy conservation and environmental friendliness. Active with these new advancementsMcMaster Electric is proud to be on the forefront of all these new innovations. We are here to provide you the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly options around for your home or business. So if you are in the market for a new fan, or air purifier or need just about any other sort of ventilation system, have McMaster Electric get you on your way to keeping healthy comfortable and green!