So first up: Torque. Tessera: have you ever heard of this word? Torque: Torque Is a Special Term meaning the turning or twisting force helping things to move. Think of when you turn a bolt with a wrench, you use torque to turn that bolt. Truth: Gear reduction motors create high torque This is perfect, because gear reduction motors are designed to make such robust power; they would need that strength to help move heavy things.
The function of these motors is to reduce the speed with gears but increase the power. Consider a bicycle though: when you shift gears, it allows you to pedal uphill without losing your momentum. Like climbing a hill, the uphill is harder and requires more effort, but rather than riding with no gear and exhausting yourself trying to get up to where you need to be; The gears will make it easier for you to reach the top. Imagine needing to ride your bike up a hill without gears; it would be significantly more difficult. And this is how gear reduction motors will assist you to do heavy work much easier!
Now let us take a look at the widespread use of gear reduction motors in factories and farms. Handsfree or tools-assistants systems are preferred where heavy work is involved such as Industries like factories which demanded machines equipped with lifting or grinding of big items. Because of their very high efficiency, the gear reduction motors are ideal for these applications. That translates to performing a great deal of work while consuming relatively little power. Isn’t that amazing?
It works the same way as a big gear turning slowly which causes the car to move forward more slowly. But the big one is a few major rotations, so it givespower to the car. This is really important! If you had a toy car and placed it on a ramp, despite being 100 times heavier, the toy car could go up that ramp. That is the principle of operation — how gear reduction motors work! They facilitate vertical movement and reduce the heaviness of lifting.
Believe it or not, you interact with items that have gear reduction motors in them on a daily basis! Does anything spring to mind? An excellent example for the sake of argument would be your electric toothbrush! Your toothbrush motor has a gear reduction. This system allows the toothbrush rotates at a very high speed to use less power. As a result, your toothbrush becomes capable of better teeth cleaning and protection.
Just like an electric drill, another example. While the drill has a very powerful motor, and potentially could be used to drill holes, it would be very difficult as the mechanism suffers from a fair amount of angular inertia (the gear ratio makes it much easier to use). However, it is much easier for you to use because the drill has a gear that slows down and increases power.
Read nextticktockNow, let us understand more of how gear reduction motors work to produce high torque. Sure, these motors can generate high torques but how to explain thisfact? Ultimately, it is simply a matter of how many teeth there are on the gears. In a gear reduction motor, the gears are made such that the big gear has far more teeth than the small one. It is designed to provide a quite powerful type of leverage.